Peripheral Schools, Vulnerabilities, Welfare AssistanceAbstract
This paper is an investigation grounded in bibliogrphical analyses addressing the Brazilian education within its historical and social context. The thoughts were conducted within the scope of the course "Culture, Society, and Education," part of the Postgraduate Program in Popular Demands and Regional Dynamics (PPGDIRE) at the Universidade Federal do Norte do Tocantins (UFNT). The research has taken on a qualitative nature, aiming to analyze the context of social vulnerabilities that permeate educational institutions in Brazil, with particular emphasis on those in peripheral areas. Our investigation also encompasses an understanding of how educational institutions evolve into auxiliary entities of the government, becoming part of a supportive mechanism. Furthermore, we delve into the way actions are devised for schools facing situations of social vulnerability. This delineation occurs within the context of intrinsic inequalities, closely tied to urban planning, resulting in peripheral locations on the outskirts of city centers. This peripheral perspective exerts a marked influence on the social conditions of the involved actors, configuring a complex scenario that warrants in-depth analysis.
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