Lexicon teaching in activities proposed by SEED/PR for the English Language curricular component
Lexicon teaching, English language, LRCOAbstract
Public educational institutions for primary education in Paraná have been subjected to several changes in their structure and operation, from the presence of technological equipment to adaptations of methodologies and curriculums, with the active use of digital educational resources and digital programs. In this context, this article discusses the presence
of lexical teaching in the activities of the English language curriculum component present in the Livro Registro de Classe Online (LRCO) in RCO+Aulas, a three-month planning module with support materials for the state school teacher. The general objective is based on the analysis of the activities that make up the quarterly planning of the English Language
curriculum component, within the axis of linguistic knowledge, more specifically in the planning module of the 1st school trimester of the year 2024, directed to the 6th grade of Elementary School. This work is based on the analysis of the data collected, the contributions of Biderman (2001) with theoretical readings of great relevance to the teaching of the lexicon and Lexicology; Nation (1997, 2001) and Gil (2016) regarding the teaching of the lexicon in a foreign language and lexical competence; in addition to consultations with guiding documents, such as the Base Nacional Comum Curricular “BNCC” (BRASIL, 2018) and the Referencial Curricular do Paraná (PARANÁ, 2018). Based on the results obtained through screenshots, it points out how the lexicon has been presented to students, in order to trace the path taken by Lexicology in the materials provided by SEED-PR to state schools.
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