DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN HOSPITALITY: challenges for small business managers


  • Thays Pinho Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Larissa Souza Gaspar UFMA



Digital Transformation, Organizational Changes, Hospitality, São Luís/MA


The digital transformation is intensely experienced by hotels, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, whose organizational adaptations ensured its permanence in the global market. The objective is to identify the knowledge about DT by the managers of micro and small hotels in São Luís/MA, in addition to identifying the technologies adopted; point out obstacles and challenges for the introduction of DT and identify future prospects for the sector. The methodological process involved the study of multiple cases, with an exploratory-descriptive and qualitative approach. Data collection occured by a structured interview, resulting in the sample of 08 managers by adhesión. For data analysis, the content analysis technique was used. The results indicate that hotel managers have prior knowledge about DT and use widespread and usual technologies, they discuss the adoption of DT as a future projection, even recognizing its importance and benefits.


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How to Cite

PINHO, Thays; GASPAR, Larissa Souza.
DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION IN HOSPITALITY: challenges for small business managers
. Revista Turismo & Cidades, v. 5, n. 12, 26 Dec. 2023 Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 nov. 2024.


