DYNAMIC CAPACITIES IN THE PANDEMIC: analysis of the means of accommodation in Gravatá-PE


  • Emilly Cristine de Aguiar Costa Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Yákara Vasconcelos Pereira Universidade Federal de Pernambuco




dynamic capabilities, hospitality, tourist destination of Gravatá


Three years after the first cases of Covid-19 in Brazil, the tourism sector is still suffering the consequences. The research aimed to analyze how dynamic capabilities contributed to dealing with the impacts of Covid-19 on accommodation facilities in Gravatá-PE. For this, the qualitative method was used, applying content analysis. As a result, the dynamic capability that contributed to coping with the impact of the pandemic was that of making critical decisions, along with the ordinary capacities of adaptation, crisis identification and organizational improvement. In addition, the subsistence relationship of tourism between the DC of making critical decisions and Gravatá, for its hospitality. In conclusion, the ability to adapt, driving critical decision-making DC, together with sanitary hospitality, played a key role in the establishments' survival. Entrepreneurs were challenged to rethink their strategies, taking into account the needs of tourists and health requirements.


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How to Cite

COSTA, Emilly Cristine de Aguiar; PEREIRA, Yákara Vasconcelos.
DYNAMIC CAPACITIES IN THE PANDEMIC: analysis of the means of accommodation in Gravatá-PE
. Revista Turismo & Cidades, v. 5, n. 12, 26 Dec. 2023 Disponível em: http://519267.outdoorhk.tech/index.php/turismoecidades/article/view/21934. Acesso em: 30 nov. 2024.


