LASTING SUSTAINABILITY AND HUMAN HABITATION OF PLANET EARTH – the dynamic Biological-cultural architecture
Sustainability, Humberto Maturana, Cultural-Biology, Human habitationAbstract
The article proposes a reflection on sustainability, having as its epistemological foundation the proposition of Humberto Maturana’s and Ximena Dávila’s Cultural Biology. The planet’s environmental imbalances do not arise exclusively from the use of existing elements, the generation of waste and its disposal, but rather from the way this use, and disposal is made. This process is carried out by all living beings. What happens is us humans adopted a way of living guided by irresponsibility, combined with a persistent attitude of lack of realization that we are the living beings that generate more destructive transformations in the ecological harmony of planet Earth. This process occurs each time with more intensity and speed. The article seeks to demonstrate that the so-called sustainable processes are the result of the Biological-cultural dynamics we adopt in the flow of our daily life. Sustainability will require the construction of a common project in the human habitation, guided by cooperation and co-elaboration.
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