The knowledge of the soul as a necessary cause for the formation of educators: a study of the Disputed Questions on the Soul, by Thomas Aquinas




History of medieval education, Thomas Aquinas, Disputed Questions on the Soul, teacher training


In this article, we analyze the role of the internal and external senses in learning according to Thomas Aquinas (13º century). The source we have studied is the set of Questions taught by the Dominican theologian at the Studium Generale of Santa Sabina, in Rome, in the academic year of 1266-1267, which had the soul as their central theme. At this time, Thomas was commissioned to organize the studies of the Order of Preachers in Rome. The Disputed Questions on the Soul are part of the author’s work for the training of educators. It should be noted that
the term ‘educators’ is used to designate any intellectual who dedicates himself, especially, to the
dissemination of knowledge pertinent to his time, contributing to the social, political and cultural
development of the society of which he is a part. With this study, we seek to present lessons from Thomas Aquinas that can support a deeper reflection on teacher education in our own time. 


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Author Biographies

Rafael Henrique Santin, Instituto Federal do Paraná

Professor do Instituto Federal do Paraná, Campus Campo Largo. Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Graduado em Pedagogia pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá.

Terezinha Oliveira, Universidade Estadual de Maringá

Professora Titular da Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Doutora em História pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho. Pesquisadora 1C do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tencológico (CNPq).


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How to Cite

Santin, R. H., & Oliveira, T. (2024). The knowledge of the soul as a necessary cause for the formation of educators: a study of the Disputed Questions on the Soul, by Thomas Aquinas. Revista Brasileira Do Caribe, 25(1), 1–11.