DISCURSIVITIES PRESENT IN “SAINT SEIYA”: an analysis of the dialogue between Master Elder’s Death Mask
Discourse Analysis, Saint Seiya, Death Mask, Elder MasterAbstract
This article aims to describe and interpret a dialogue between two characters from “Saint Seiya” (Kurumada, 1986), Mask of Death, the golden knight of Cancer, and Master Elder, the golden knight of Libra, in episode thirty-nine of animation. To carry out this examination, two structuring sections are created to achieve this objective, the first, entitled Theoretical-methodological Considerations, in which a census is made of the main operators instrumentalized by archaeogenealogical Discourse Analysis, such as discourse, utterance, discursive formation and episteme. In the second, Analytical considerations: a dialectic of the obvious, the elements exposed previously are used to carry out a vertical reading of the object of this investigation. As results found, we have verified the functioning of the conservative and revolutionary discursive formations, of Death Mask and Elder Master respectively, guiding the statements according to the moralist and relativist epistemes present in the social framework of the dialogue.
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